Direct Fitting v Clip in Prescription Inserts for Sports Sunglasses
Which are the best type of Prescription sunglasses for sports - Direct Fitting or Clip in Inserts?
Advantages and disadvantages of direct fitting prescriptions:

- Quality of vision is exceptionally high. Some prefer having the full all round vision offered by direct fitting sports prescription sunglasses lenses. Many sports sunglasses incorporate 8 base (highly curved lenses) which offer good periphery vision. This can be an advantage in certain sports such as cycling where they minimise the blind spot at the side, reducing the need to turn the head as much when looking for traffic behind. They are also better for sports such as football where spacial awareness of other players relative to the ball is important.
- They are not suitable for certain high prescriptions. Fore example, anyone with combined shares and cylinders over +/- 4.00 should not consider sunglasses that have 8 base curve lenses. The large lenses in sports sunglasses tend to make the edges of minus prescriptions and the centres of plus prescriptions much thicker than would be expected with a normal pair of glasses. Also above a certain limit, it is impossible with current technology to ensure the accuracy of the prescription at the periphery of vision negating the benefit of having wide, high curved lenses. If you have a high prescription and you prefer direct fitting lenses it is much better to select a frame that is designed to look like a pair of sports sunglasses with 8 base wrap lens but incorporate 6 base lenses. The Leader range linked here provide a good example. For a full list of sports prescription sunglasses under 8 base click here. You can use our advanced search facility on the left of the product page to refine your search.
- If you choose photochromic lenses, you are not restricted in their use. Both our photochromic transition options that change light density from Category 0 to 2 (0-2), and Category 1 to 3 (1-3) respectively can both be used inside as well as outdoors.
- The combination of greater curvature, wider lenses and the incorporation of a tint, make good quality direct fitting lenses more expensive than clip-in inserts.
Advantages and disadvantages of Clip-in prescription inserts:

- They are less expensive as the lenses are smaller and flatter than direct fitting sport sunglasses lenses. As they fit behind a tinted lens you do not need to add a tint to the cost of the clear lens. Also, if your prescription changes, you will only need to replace the clip-in insert.
- Clip-in prescription sports sunglasses are very flexible. You can buy them with frames that have interchangeable lenses which can be changed while the prescription clip-in insert remains in place. This allows you to alter the tint density for the weather conditions while maintaining your prescription.
- We can incorporate almost any prescription into a clip-in. If you have a high prescription, these are well worth considering.
- Sports prescription sunglasses with clip-in inserts are ideal to take on journeys as a back if you are a contact lens wearer. You are able to use the sunglasses as normal and insert the clip-in when required.
- As the clip-in prescription inserts are closer to the face, they tend to fog up more than direct fitting prescription lenses. However, most anti-fog sprays will solve this problem.
- Clip-in inserts provide a more restricted field of vision compared to direct fitting lenses. They are providing you will the same field of vision you would receive from wearing a normal pair of glasses. However, it does enable a highly complex lens shape to be wrapped around them that can provide other benefits such as wind protection, and ventilation.